reverse engineered

Arduino Duemilanove Optiboot

You may have noticed that the new Arduino Uno uses the optiboot bootloader. This new bootloader brings two main advantages: Smaller bootloader footprint - An additional 1.5kB of space for sketches. Increased bootloader baudrate - Faster sketch uploading. Fortunately for us, these bootloader improvements can be backported to the Arduino Duemilanove. If you have more than one Duemilanove to hand, then is it trivial to flash the new bootloader. Read more →


I recently acquired an Arduino Duemilanove, and my first shield arrived yesterday - a Nokia 3310 LCD Shield. The documentation was was a somewhat scarce for that particular shield, but it did the job. Once the obligatory “Hello, World!” program was written, I began writing this program. Mario was going to run across the LCD screen while Super Mario Bros. tune was playing on the speaker. Not having a musical note in my head, I had to have a google for the tone generation element of this project. Read more →