While the Axis 207 IP camera provides MPEG4 video output, the MPEG4 format is a bit obscure, and not handled by many media players. This makes recording the output difficult. Fortunately, VLC is capable of both playing and recording this format.
The following cron line uses VLC to record hourly chunks of video from a Axis 207 camera with IP address, and store them in /tmp/Axis207.
0 * * * * /usr/bin/vlc rtsp://10.
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The Axis 207 IP camera that I had been using for the snowcam is actually a fully featured Linux system.
To enable console access, you need to use the webinterface to edit the system init table.
Replace with the IP address of the camera.
# Uncomment the following line to start the telnet server. # tnet:35:once:/usr/sbin/telnetd So that it reads:
# Uncomment the following line to start the telnet server.
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