I’ve been using an Arduino, an EtherShield and a DS18B20 temperature sensor to log the temperatures outside my window for about 6 months now, and it has worked well. I’ve also been getting a couple of emails looking for the source code to my program. The original code was rather quickly hacked together and I was reluctant to publish it (although I did send it to those that emailed).
I got some spare time over the holidays and did a major refactor of the code, including moving from the EtherShield library to the ethercard library.
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I recently discovered Pachube. Pachube is basically the YouTube of the graphing world. You create the data, and then send it up to Pachube to be plotted.
I use both DDWRT and OpenWrt firmwares on my routers around the house. They both are Linux based, running the 2.6 Kernel. I wanted to log the bandwidth use in the the house on an hourly basis, but neither firmware provides an easy way to measure it.
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