reverse engineered

PHP Scripts

Below is a zip file of various PHP scripts that I had written a long time ago. I found them again recently and decided to publish them in the hope that they might be of some use to somebody. There is very little documentation throughout the code, but most are only a few lines long so they are pretty self explanatory. I’m pretty sure most are horribly inefficient. I didn’t really know much about that when writing them. Read more →

Cygwin Ping

If you use Cygwin, you may notice that when you try to use the ping command, you get an error. This is because typing ping in a Cygwin terminal window executes the *nix version of ping rather than the Windows ping. The *nix ping requires low level socket access that is only available when running as an Administrator. Because there is no sudo command in Cygwin, the only way to acquire administrator privileges is to quit your current terminal window and restart it with the privileges. Read more →

Installing OptWare on DD-WRT

Most people think of their home router as simply the little black box with the flashy lights that provides the house with internet. They’d be correct, but there is whole lot more that those black little boxes can do. It is possible to run an embedded version of Linux on selected (mainly Linksys) models. This means that you can make your router perform the same tasks as a dedicated Linux server in your network, at a fraction of the energy costs. Read more →

Arduino GPS Clock

I had a Holux M-1000B Bluetooth GPS module that was just gathering dust in my room. I had bought it from DealExtreme back in the days when I had GPS-less (but external GPS capable) Nokia E51. Upgrading to a Nokia E52 has since made this receiver redundant. However, since getting an Arduino, and being put off by the price of GPS shields for them, I decided to use the GPS receiver I already have. Read more →

Pachube Bandwidth Monitor

I recently discovered Pachube. Pachube is basically the YouTube of the graphing world. You create the data, and then send it up to Pachube to be plotted. I use both DDWRT and OpenWrt firmwares on my routers around the house. They both are Linux based, running the 2.6 Kernel. I wanted to log the bandwidth use in the the house on an hourly basis, but neither firmware provides an easy way to measure it. Read more →


I recently acquired an Arduino Duemilanove, and my first shield arrived yesterday - a Nokia 3310 LCD Shield. The documentation was was a somewhat scarce for that particular shield, but it did the job. Once the obligatory “Hello, World!” program was written, I began writing this program. Mario was going to run across the LCD screen while Super Mario Bros. tune was playing on the speaker. Not having a musical note in my head, I had to have a google for the tone generation element of this project. Read more →